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Wild okapi can be found in the northeastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo.  They prefer rainforests and woodlands in order to keep secretive and hidden.  Okapis zebra-like stripes are used to blend in with the surroundings that those locations have.  Okapis can also be found in part of the Sahel and Sudan savannas, although it's not likely many would be spotted.  Not much is known about how many okapis live where; it's extremely rare to see an okapi in the wild, and difficult to track them.  The only controlled area that wild okapis call home is the Okapi Wildlife Reserve, located in the Ituri Forest.  There, more than 3,000 okapi out of the estimated 10,000-20,000 wild okapi left in the world reside.

Okapis are shy animals, and prefer to have easy-access hiding spots.  This is also the reason they prefer living conditions in dense forests.  The climate they are best-equipped for is that of a rainforest; their coat is made to deflect water, and prefer a sturdy ground with fertile soil to grow many plants.  This includes trees, where okapis get their food-- mature leaves.

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